Saturday, December 31, 2011


2011: What a Year for Mormons! 


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has had a BIG year in 2011! From a Mormon blogger's perspective, and as one who tries to keep up with everything 'Mormon', I finally reached a point where I had to say "uncle"! It didn't take long into 2011 before I realized that there was no way that one Well-Behaved Mormon Woman could possibly keep up with it all!

From this year's Mormon Social Media explosion to Mormons in politics, the LDS Church has definitely been having what is currently being referred to as a "Mormon Minute" --  or more like 525,600 of them!  I'll confess, that with some things I was thrilled from the onset, but when it came to other things, such as what happened on Broadway with The Book of Mormon Musical, I was concerned how it would reflect on the Church.   I will now admit, that overall, its gone pretty well -- as it seems nearly everyone that has seen the play is curious to know if Mormons are offendedand many of them have landed here on my blog to find out!

Having two Mormon candidates running for President has turned out to be relatively good for the Church as well, --  so far as an increase of attention to our beliefs goes.  Although, we have had to spend quite a bit of time responding to accusations that we are a cult.  Sigh...
 I say "good" because due to the increased interest in Mormonism, Mormons have had more opportunity than ever before to share their beliefs with those outside of the LDS faith -- and not because I think everything that has garnered attention is necessarily "good".   Most notable is that the Church has been right there to support member's responses by continually creating excellent resources, about Mormonism and our beliefs, for members to share via social media.   Be sure to follow LDS Media Talk to keep up on new LDS products.  And let me give a huge nod to the team over at LDS Public Affairs who run the LDS Newsroom!  The Church has a number of behind the scene teams, who work diligently on everything related to helping people learn about the LDS Church and our beliefs, on the Internet -- and they are doing an exceptional job!

There are now more ways than ever before to share the gospel, online, that it nearly boggles the mind -- well at least mine!  Almost weekly the LDS Church is launching new media projects that are easily shared by members.  And if I do say so myself, we've been doing a pretty good job of doing just that!

If you haven't realized it yet, LDS members are very involved, and I believe, partially responsible for what is happening with the type of attention the Church is receiving -- particularly during this past year.  Your voice and how you are using it, is making a difference in how the Church is perceived by the general public.  Just this last week Inc. Magazine named The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and more specifically the Book of Mormon as one of the 10 Surprising Brand Winners of 2011.  Check this out...

"When South Park creators Parker and Stone launched an obscene musical entitled The Book of Mormon, officials at the Church of the Latter Day Saints could have gotten their magical underwear in a twist. Instead, they made a simple statement that the musical was "entertaining" and directed people to read the book itself. Such mature restraint is unusual for a religious brand. (Imagine if the musical had been named The Koran!) 
Lesson: People like brands that don't take themselves too seriously."

 Well, little does Inc. Magazine know but we do take ourselves very seriously, and that is precisely why we respond very thoughtfully to much of what is considered controversial --  staying focused on what actually matters.   Everyday now, I see members online sharing LDS media on Facebook, Twitter and Google+  just to name a few.  It's inspiring to see members learning how to respond in a positive manner to what might be perceived as negatives toward their beliefs!  We're learning that being defensive never works, but taking these opportunities to share our beliefs is the win!

I could probably write a book about all the awesome things that happened with the LDS Church and its members, online, during 2011, but since I've blogged about many of them I'll leave it at that...  But don't you think it was so cool that President Monson blogged!  We now officially can call him 'Prophet, Seer and Blogger'!  Who could have predicted that?  Certainly not me!

And what about our digital army of online missionaries that actively share the gospel online, over on Twitter -- every General Conference!  Even Deseret News picked up on that story!

A highlight of 2011 for the Church, in my opinion, was the launch of the new LDS website:  The Life of Jesus Christ Bible Videos.

Here's a little bit of what I shared about this new website, over on a post I wrote on Hubpages last week:

One thing I particularly appreciate in the making of each of these Bible videos is that no liberties were taken in how they might be interpreted. In fact, there is much more visual than audio in the videos – which enables the ability of each individual to reflect personally, on what the account means. Each short video is with integrity produced, in that it is true to the text of the King James Version of the Bible. Meaning that regardless of what Christian denomination you belong, you will feel the spirit of the actual scriptural account, through the Holy Spirit. And this is exactly as the videos are intended to be.
You can read my entire article/review HERE!
 Over the last few days as I've been reflecting on what has happened with the LDS Church, particularly online, over this past year of 2011, I'm really proud to have been a part of it all -- even if only observing from the sidelines.  Whether the Church and its members were responding to critics on various issues, creating new media, helping in our communities, building temples, reaching out to give humanitarian aid, etc...  they are doing it in a manner, that I believe, is befitting of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I look forward to 2012 and what that inevitably will bring.  No doubt it will be that that which will take us take us all out of our comfort zones.  What were you, as a Mormon, most surprised by in 2011 -- or feel was most significant for the Church? 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Year in Review: 2011 Another Year of Progress for the Church


In 2011 new temples were announced and others dedicated, and increased public attention was focused on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in what many journalists have called the “Mormon Moment.”
Temple Building
Thomas S. Monson, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, announced the building of eight new temples during the Church’s general conferences in April and October. President Monson said four temples would be built internationally in Canada, France, South Africa and Colombia, while another four will be built in the United States in Colorado, Idaho, Utah and Wyoming. Of particular interest was the announcement that the historic Provo Tabernacle, which had been destroyed by fire in December 2010, would be rebuilt and converted to the city’s second temple.

Ground was broken in 2011 for seven temples in Phoenix, Arizona; Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Trujillo, Peru; Payson, Utah; Sapporo, Japan and Fortaleza, Brazil.
President Monson rededicated the Atlanta Georgia Temple after a nearly two-year renovation including utility updates and better accessibility for disabled persons.
The San Salvador El Salvador Temple was dedicated by President Henry B. Eyring, first counselor in the First Presidency on Sunday, 21 August 2011. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, second counselor in the First Presidency, dedicated the Quetzaltenango Guatemala Temple on Sunday, 11 December 2011.
Earlier in the year, Church leaders announced the Ogden Utah Temple would close for major renovation. The temple is undergoing extensive changes inside and out, and the Ogden Tabernacle, next door to the temple, will receive an architectural facelift.
The “Mormon Moment”
In what many news media have dubbed the "Mormon Moment," the Church received increased media attention in 2011. The Church emphasized that it desired to participate in the national conversation taking place about it. Addressing this attention, Public Affairs Department managing director Michael Otterson wrote a column for the Washington Post outlining facts the public should know about Latter-day Saints.

Humanitarian Aid
The Church responded to disasters around the globe. One of the greatest challenges was Japan’s devastating earthquake and tsunami, which took thousands of lives and destroyed homes, businesses and livelihoods. The Church provided more than 250 tons of supplies, food, water, blankets, bedding, hygiene items, clothing and fuel. Church-sponsored volunteers numbering over 20,000 have donated 175,000 hours of service. Japan’s fishing industry has suffered severely. Church Humanitarian Services has worked with and continues to donate equipment and supplies to 20 of 54 fishing co-ops. The impact upon the Church was significant, with 52 meetinghouses damaged. All repairs have been completed.
President Monson, during an address at the 181st annual general conference of the Church, reported on the humanitarian aid going to Japan.
The Church reached out in other parts of the world with humanitarian aid. Besides the tragedy in Japan, several parts of the world experienced flooding, landslides, earthquakes, tornadoes and a hurricane (Irene). They occurred in Australia, New Zealand, Colombia, Brazil and the Philippines, as well as the Midwest and southern United States. Latter-day Saints in each of these areas also donated their time and efforts.
Mormon Helping Hands
From Europe to the Americas, thousands of Mormon Helping Hands volunteers marked the 75th anniversary of the Church’s welfare program. During the Church’s general conference in April, President Henry B. Eyring encouraged Latter-day Saints to help in their communities.

In Germany, 9,000 Latter-day Saints and their neighbors worked side-by-side to donate 34,000 hours in support of children battling cancer.
Members of the Church in thousands of communities across the world donated their time and efforts in service. A few examples included:
Day of Service in South Florida
Thousands of Mormon Volunteers Lend a Hand in California and Hawaii
Mormon Volunteers From Winnipeg Sacrifice to Repair Flood-Damaged Homes
Mormon Helping Hands Find Joy in Beautifying Brazil
Mormons and Provo United Church of Christ Join to Spruce Up Century-Old Chapel
Africa Mormon Helping Hands Celebrate Five Years by Volunteering
Mormon Helping Hands Paint, Garden and Clean in the UK
Mormon Helping Hands Clean and Comfort
Mormons in the Northwest United States and Canada Pitch In to Help Communities
150 Million Copies of the Book of Mormon
The 150 millionth copy of the Book of Mormon rolled off the presses early in 2011. The first volume was published in 1830. The Book of Mormon is published in 82 languages and is partially translated in 25 more.

You Choose to Change When You Follow Christ
Church president Thomas S. Monson spoke to Brigham Young University students about following the example of Jesus Christ. He cited examples in the life of the Savior and in lives of Latter-day Saints. “Remember who you are,” said President Monson. “You are a son or daughter of our Heavenly Father.”
In May, President Monson marked the centennial of Dixie State College in St. George, Utah, with a commencement address. He instructed graduates on building bridges of attitude, integrity and service. He said their lives will be fuller, richer and happier if they looked for opportunities to serve.
Religious Freedom
In a speech given at Chapman University Law School in February, Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church explained why religious freedom is so vital. “This freedom,” said Elder Oaks, “is founded upon religious principles of human worth and dignity.” In September, Elder Oaks spoke to young adults at Brigham Young University on religious freedom in a talk entitled “Truth and Tolerance.”
Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, participating in BYU-Idaho’s commencement, delivered a speech to graduates regarding morality and religious freedom. He challenged students to work with their friends of others faiths to “improve the moral fabric of this nation and world.”
9/11 Reflections: Ten Years Later
President Thomas S. Monson and other religious leaders shared thoughts on the ten-year commemoration of the tragedy of September 11, 2001. “People across the United States rediscovered the need for God and turned to Him for solace and understanding,” said the world leader of more than 14 million Mormons. “By nature we are vain, frail, and foolish,” said President Monson. “We sometimes neglect God. Sometimes we fail to keep the commandments that He gives us to make us happy.”

Mormon Tabernacle Choir Tour
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir launched a summer concert tour in June on the east coast of North America. Concert sites included Norfolk, Virginia; Washington, D.C.; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Chautauqua, New York and Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
One of the unique attractions of the tour included a “flash mob” in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia (scroll down in the blog post to “Mormon Tabernacle Choir Participates in Flash Mob, 21 June 2011”).
Milestones in the Church
In 2001, then President Gordon B. Hinckley announced the establishment of a fund to help young people in economically challenged countries go to college, get a degree, find employment and then repay the loan. Now, at the ten-year anniversary of that announcement, the Perpetual Education Fund has helped 50,000 Latter-day Saints get an education who would not have been able to afford one, since they are living in impoverished circumstances.
With traditional songs and dances, Latter-day Saints in the Philippines celebrated 50 years of having the Church established in that nation. In Salt Lake City, a Philippines madrigal group performed with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir during its weekly broadcast of Music and the Spoken Word.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints achieved a major milestone in 2011 in providing people the opportunity to participate in general conference in their own language. Beginning 50 years ago with only English, Dutch, German, Samoan and Spanish, the semiannual meetings, broadcast from the Conference Center on Temple Square, are now available in 93 languages. The development of broadcast and other technology has been key to Mormons tuning in to the twice-yearly, two-day conference in remote locations.

After the Church successfully completed a solar-powered meetinghouse in Farmington, Utah, in 2010, a second building was constructed in Mesa, Arizona, earlier this year. So far, the Farmington building has saved thousands of dollars in utility costs and reduced the structure’s carbon footprint. The Church believes the earth’s inhabitants must be good stewards of its resources.
Movie Set Created to Tell Story of Christ’s Life
A new movie set representing ancient Jerusalem and other areas in which Jesus Christ lived and ministered has been created in Goshen, Utah, a small community south of Salt Lake City. Videos produced on the set help people better understand the life and ministry of the Savior. Recently, the Church released the first segments from these Bible videos. These videos, shot on the new movie set, were announced at the First Presidency’s annual Christmas devotional and given as a gift to the world.
Diversity and Strength of Women
Relief Society, the Church’s women’s organization, published Daughters in My Kingdom: The History and Work of Relief Society, which highlights the strength and diversity of Mormon women. General Relief Society president Julie Beck said, “This story that the Church is releasing now is very important, I think, for our time now, and I can’t think of a time when it’s been needed more than it’s needed today.” The book was distributed to all women in the Church 18 and over and is available on the Internet.
I’m a Mormon
In 2011 the Church selected locations around the United States and Australia to run television ads, billboards and other signage in an effort to educate the public about Mormons and introduce them to individual Mormons. Latter-day Saints throughout the world are presented in “I’m a Mormon” vignettes about why they are members of the Church and what they believe.

Church History Sites
The First Presidency announced the Church will restore a Pennsylvania historic site important to the early beginnings of the Church. The site is near the Susquehanna River. Newsroom ran a special feature this year highlighting several Church historical sites.
Thousands Enjoy Annual Christmas Concert
Concluding the year was the annual Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert. This year’s guest artists were award-winning British actress, artist and author Jane Seymour and American baritone soloist Nathan Gunn. More than 80,000 people attended the free concerts.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Romney has clear lead among Republicans


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mitt Romney has a growing lead in the race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, and almost half of the party's voters expect him to be the nominee, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.
Twenty-eight percent of Republicans backed the former Massachusetts governor, giving him a lead of 8 percentage points over his nearest challenger Herman Cain in the poll, taken November 10-11.
Romney was 5 percentage points ahead in a survey November 7-8.
Newt Gingrich, the U.S. House of Representatives speaker in the mid-1990s, solidified a recent rise among conservatives seeking an alternative to the more moderate Romney, coming in third place in the current poll with 16 percent.
Gingrich, who is seen as having performed well in recent debates, was viewed as the second-most "presidential" of the Republican hopefuls, according to the poll.
Whether or not they support him, almost half of the Republicans surveyed expect Romney to become the nominee to oppose President Barack Obama, a Democrat, in the November 2012 election.
Romney, who also ran for president in 2008, has been in first or second place in polls for months and enjoys by far the most campaign funds of the Republican field.
But some in his party see him as too liberal, and he has so far failed to significantly boost his level of support in polls. The latest Reuters/Ipsos poll, however, shows he is benefiting from missteps by his rivals.
"As the other candidates falter, his image comes into relief," Ipsos pollster Cliff Young said.
The campaign of former pizza executive Cain has been dogged by allegations that he sexually harassed four women in the late 1990s. He has denied the allegations.
Texas Governor Rick Perry was in fourth place with 12 percent in the latest poll, which was taken on the heels of his disastrous performance in a debate on Wednesday when he could not remember key details of one of his main policy proposals.
He had 10 percent in the November 7-8 poll.
When judged on his personal qualities, Romney was rated strongly by Republicans, while both Perry and Cain trailed in important categories.
Romney, the former head of the Bain Capital private equity firm, says his business experience gives him an advantage over other Republicans and Obama in the quest to create jobs for the sluggish U.S. economy.
Far more voters see Romney as presidential than those who feel the same way about his Republican rivals, with 34 percent in the poll saying he is the most presidential candidate in the field.
"Going into the primaries, he's in a strong position and his image is solidifying around a very important attribute, which is being presidential, or being seen as presidential," Young said.
Gingrich, whose campaign is gaining momentum after struggling with staff desertions in the summer, was seen as the second most presidential candidate with 19 percent, 1 percentage point ahead of Cain. Perry trailed at 11 percent.
Gingrich, keeping to his form in previous debates, attacked Obama instead of the other Republican candidates at a debate devoted to foreign policy on Saturday in Spartanburg, South Carolina.
"There are a number of ways to be smart about Iran and relatively few ways to be dumb and the administration has skipped all the ways to be smart," Gingrich said, advocating covert operations to stop Tehran from making a nuclear bomb.
Perry's debate blunder last Wednesday, when he struggled to name the third of three government departments he would eliminate as president, has damaged his campaign but he remains in contention, the poll shows.
When shown the video of Perry's gaffe on Wednesday, 31 percent of poll respondents said he should withdraw from the campaign while just over half said he should stay in.
Romney was picked first when the Republicans were asked who would be "a strong leader for America," at 28 percent, with Cain following at 21 percent. Gingrich was at 20 percent and Perry trailed at 12 percent.
Although portrayed by both Democrats and Republicans as someone who changes his stance for political purposes, Romney fared better than Cain and Perry when respondents were asked which candidate "will say anything to win votes."
Twenty-one percent chose Cain, 20 percent pointed to Perry, Romney was at 19 and Gingrich came in at 8 percent.
When asked which candidates were "too radical to lead America," the Republicans in the poll put Cain at the head of all the candidates with 21 percent and Romney last at 8 percent. Gingrich had 12 percent and Perry was at 11 percent.
Cain and Romney tied at 24 percent when the voters were asked who has the best solutions for U.S. economic problems, with Gingrich at 15 percent and Perry at 12 percent.
When asked who "understands the problems of someone like me," the Republican voters failed to give any candidate more than 25 percent support. Cain was highest at 25 percent, to Romney's 16 percent, 15 percent for Perry and 14 percent for Gingrich.
The poll results are from an online survey of 461 Republican registered voters.
Because this was an online poll, typical margins of error do not apply. Despite that, various recognized methods were used to provide a representative sample and weighted results. If this were a traditional random survey, it would have a margin of error of 4.5 percentage points.


Saturday, November 5, 2011


Biden defends Romney's Mormon faith



(Reuters) Vice President Joe Biden defended Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney over his Mormon faith on Friday, saying it was "outrageous" for anyone to suggest he should not be president because of his religion.
With a new Reuters/Ipsos poll showing President Barack Obama facing a tough fight for re-election next year if Romney is the Republican nominee, Biden acknowledged the former Massachusetts governor "may very well be our opponent."
Biden weighed in on the issue of Romney's Mormonism after a controversy over an evangelical Texas pastor's comments last month. The Democratic vice president also referred to opinion polls that have shown concern among some voters about Romney's faith.
"I find it preposterous that in 2011 we're debating whether or not a man is qualified or worthy of your vote based on whether or not his religion ... is a disqualifying provision," Biden told an audience at the University of Pittsburgh.
"It is not. It is embarrassing and we should be ashamed, anyone who thinks that way," he said in a long response to a student's question about how his own religious faith affected his philosophy of government.
Biden, who is Catholic, cited the prejudice John F. Kennedy faced in his run for the presidency in 1960, which he said had "totally legitimized" Catholics for high U.S. public office.
Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress, a supporter of Texas Governor Rick Perry in his bid for the 2012 Republican nomination, touched off a political firestorm in early October when he said Mormons were a cult and were not Christians.
A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll last month showed that 66 percent of Republican primary voters felt "comfortable" with Romney's Mormon faith while 13 percent did "not feel comfortable." A Gallup poll of the broader electorate in June showed 47 percent felt comfortable with his religion while 21 percent did not.
"I think it's outrageous," Biden said about the polling data he had seen.
Romney's Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as the Mormon church is formally called, is one of the fastest-growing and most affluent religions. More than half of its 14.1 million members live outside the United States.


Friday, November 4, 2011


Friday, Nov. 04, 2011

Elections 2012

Huntsman tries to shed ‘moderate’ label


Jon Huntsman’s S.C. advisers are pushing back on the “moderate” label that has dogged the former Utah governor in his candidacy for the Republican nomination for president.
“We have a story to tell about Huntsman that hasn’t been told yet,” Richard Quinn, a S.C. adviser to Huntsman, said Thursday as Huntsman shook hands and ate barbeque at a Columbia restaurant.
The Columbia stop marked the second day of a three-day swing by Huntsman through South Carolina, an important early-voting state that holds its GOP primary on Jan. 21.

S.C. politicos increasingly agree the S.C. race will come down to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who consistently has finished in the top two in S.C. polls, and a “non-Romney” candidate, likely to be someone further to the political right of Romney.
That means a new narrative is needed for Huntsman who, rightly or wrongly, has been labeled as a moderate by many S.C. voters because of his stint as U.S. ambassador to China under President Barack Obama, his support for same-sex civil unions and his belief in global warming.
For example, Republican Gov. Nikki Haley has singled Huntsman out as a candidate that she would not endorse, saying he was not a “strong conservative.”
Huntsman has not broken out of the low single digits in any S.C. poll.
“He got branded early as a moderate,” said Quinn, who helped Republican nominee John McCain win the state’s primary in 2008. “A lot of that has to do with Obama. Obama tried to destroy him with hugs and kisses. ... The other candidates caught on and have chimed in too.”
Huntsman stopped short of denying the moderate label during his Columbia visit Thursday. Instead, he called himself a “mainstream conservative,” pointing to his pro-life record, support of the Second Amendment and passage of a school voucher bill while he was Utah governor as proof of his conservative credentials.
“People will find out themselves that I have a conservative governing record,” Huntsman said. “You can’t just throw a moderate tag out when you’ve been elected twice in a state of Utah. ... That is a very conservative state.”

Monday, October 31, 2011


Two Mormons on 'Survivor' still in the running for the $1 million prize


Published: Monday, Oct. 31, 2011 5:00 a.m. MDT
By Christine Rappleye, Mormon Time

As "Survivor: South Pacific" on CBS approaches the halfway point, two Utahns are still on the island and in the running for the $1 million prize.
Dawn Meehan, 41, of South Jordan and an English professor at Brigham Young University, is part of the Savaii Tribe, and Rick Nelson, 51, a rancher from Aurora, Utah, who has a handlebar mustache and is commonly seen wearing a cowboy hat, is part of the Upolu Tribe. Both are also members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

In recent episodes, neither has been in danger of being sent home by fellow tribe members, as they have helped their teams win challenges and haven't been the weakest or the most devious or obnoxious on their teams. The show is based on winning immunity challenges, making alliances and trusting the right people, along with surviving on an uninhabited island.
In a bold move on Wednesday's episode, 30-year-old Oscar “Ozzy” Lusth volunteered to be voted off the Savaii Tribe and sent to Redemption Island with hopes of rejoining his tribe and regaining his immunity idol.
Once a player is voted out at tribal council, they go to Redemption Island. The player then competes with another voted-off member on Redemption Island for a chance to get back in the game.
Before the two-time "Survivor" alum rejoins the tribe, Lusth must beat Christine Shields Markoski, 39, who has won four of the one-on-one competitions. On Wednesday's episode, of Day 17 and 18 on the island, she beat 22-year-old Mikayla Wingle, who was voted out of the Upolu Tribe during the Oct. 19 episode. Nelson cast the swing vote when Upolu was at tribal council after losing the team immunity challenge. Their seven-member tribe was split on whether to send Whingle or Edna Ma, 35, an anesthesiologist from Los Angeles, to Redemption Island.
It's generally been around this halfway point of the 39 days on the island when the two tribes merge. Lusth's rationale was that when the tribes merge and the player on Redemption Island rejoins the game, the Savaii Tribe will have regained a member and their team members will have a better chance at winning.
"You just made one of the biggest moves in 'Survivor' history based on one big assumption: that the merge is next," said host Jeff Probst after the Tribal Council.
Some of the Savaii Tribe members had been eyeing Harvard Law School student John Cochran, 24, as the one to be voted off after his rope mishandling during the team challenge contributed to the team's loss during the immunity challenge.

 The challenge included the six members of each tribe dividing up into pairs and two of the pairs going over and under obstacles to get bags of masks and then pairing up the masks, all while blindfolded. The third team isn't blindfolded and can help verbally guide the other two teams. Cochran was one of the guides and his mishandling of tangled ropes each of the blindfolded teams were connected to was blamed for the team's loss.

However, the idea of Cochran going to Redemption Island was the same — for him to come back to the game after hopefully beating Markoski.
"The notion of Redemption Island takes on a literal (meaning) — it's to redeem yourself," Meehan said.
Nelson's tribe, Upolu, was the winning tribe, and received immunity, got to watch a special screening of "Jack and Jill" starring Adam Sandler and had hot dogs and movie candy.
Being Mormon has only come up a couple of times in the show — most recently when Meehan said she wasn't comfortable swimming in her underwear and was grateful to get the red and brown swimsuit she has been seen wearing during the last few episodes.
"Survivor: South Pacific" airs Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on CBS

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Book of Mormon App for Windows Phone 7 Released
Written by Whitney Denney   
Friday, 28 October 2011
A new Book of Mormon app is available for Windows Phone 7. The Book of Mormon app is available as a free download in the Windows Marketplace.
The Book of Mormon app is geared toward a non-member audience largely unfamiliar with the Book of Mormon. It provides another way for people who are curious about the Book of Mormon to access a copy of it. David Staheli, a senior engineer on the project, says, “If anybody out there is curious, they’ll come along and see the Book of Mormon, and they can download it for free just to see what it’s about.”
The following screenshots are from the Book of Mormon app:
The Application and its Features
The project started in December 2010 as an experiment. Brother Staheli says, “We thought, ‘Why don’t we take what we’ve already done—the whole gospel library and all the scriptures—but simplify it a bit for missionary purposes.’” The goal was to make the Book of Mormon less intimidating to investigators, so the team simplified the user interface by removing some of the advanced features, such as footnotes.
The Book of Mormon app offers a lot of study-friendly features. Users can read or listen to audio of the text as well as underline, make notes, and bookmark their page. The application also offers a search function that will locate verses containing search terms.
One of the most significant features of the Book of Mormon application is the “About” feature on the homepage. This allows users to connect to to learn more about the Church. They can also call the missionaries directly using a toll-free phone number specific to the application, which is one way to measure the application’s success amongst investigators.

The Progress of the Application

Though Brother Staheli is not yet aware of how many calls have been made using the application’s toll-free number, he is keeping track of the impact of the application as measured in download numbers. Since its release a month ago, the application has had approximately 500 downloads, about one-tenth of the downloads for Gospel Library for Windows Phone 7. Currently, downloads number about fifty a week. Brother Staheli says, “That’s like handing out fifty copies of the Book of Mormon a week!”
These numbers are somewhat low to start, but as the application takes off, it will likely be extended to other platforms to increase its visibility in the market. The app has the potential to be a very economical and effective distribution of the Book of Mormon.

Pass it On

Initial promotion of the Book of Mormon app took place in the LDS Tech community with the team requesting that members tell their friends about the application. Brother Staheli hopes that the word about this app will continue to spread and increase its contribution to missionary efforts. He says, “I think the application is a success because, even if we have a lot of members (rather than non-members) downloading it, it brings missionary work to the forefront of their minds, and they are familiar with it, they know that they can recommend it, and pass it on.”
If you know someone with a Windows 7 phone, let them know about the Book of Mormon app. Even small actions like this will help carry the gospel to all the world.


Baking Substitutions

Making meals count is important. Meals should be satisfying, good tasting, pleasing to the eye, nutritious, and have a texture that is pleasing to your palate. Otherwise, you WILL feel deprived. The good news? It is easy to modify some of your favorite recipes by using the sensational substitutions listed below--no one will even notice the difference!

Instead of... Try...
1/2 cup oil, butter or margarine 1/4 cup applesauce + 1/4 cup canola oil, butter, or margarine
1 egg 2 egg whites
Sweetened condensed milk Nonfat sweetened condensed milk
Evaporated milk Evaporated skim milk
1 cup chocolate chips 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips, chopped dried fruit, or chopped nuts
Frosting Sliced fresh fruit with a dusting of powdered sugar
Sour cream Nonfat sour cream, low-fat sour cream, pureed low-fat cottage cheese
Whole milk Skim milk
Cream cheese Low-fat cream cheese
Sugar Artificial sweetener for some or all (follow manufacturer's directions); 1/4 to 1/2 less sugar in the recipe

QUOTE - Nathaniel Bronner

Wherever Your Faith

“Wherever your faith is
there is your future.”

~Nathaniel Bronner~

Thursday, October 27, 2011


yup. *IM* EVE!
last sunday a sister (female congegational member) came in and announced that young womens was putting on a presentation for the young women with...


and they needed ladies to sign up for roles.

so, cause i love to act and express,  i was the 1st to sign up.

have been waiting for my role to be announced to me...and it came earlier this week,


Thank you so much for volunteering! I feel you have a really great opportunity to touch the lives of our Young Women. You're willingness to help make this activity a success is so very appreciated!

At this point I am just going to tell you your assignments so you can know kind of what to expect. I encourage you to read about the woman of virtue you are to portray in the scriptures as well as start thinking about how you can put together a costume of sorts. Sometime in the next few days I will email you a copy of the script you will be reading that night along with a few more detailed instructions about how I would like the night to go and a picture of the woman you have been assigned as a reference point for your dress. I will have additional hard copies of scripts available that night. For now, here are the assignments I have made:

Stripling Warrior Mother - Julie Sutton
Queen Esther - Carol Stoddard
Virgin Mary - (to be announced)
Emma Smith - Catherine Wagner
Eve - Michelle Williamson
Hannah - Jamie Looney

If at any point you find that you cannot make it for that evening, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can find a replacement and fill them in. You can email me at this email address, or call me at (405)***-****. Once again, thank you all so much!

~Allison Oliver~

so, naturally i had to ask if eve was naked or she had already been cast out of the garden for my costume, of which i already had ideas for both, and NO it wasnt  parading around in the nude.
i had thought maybe if i was Eve pre-casting out of the Garden, id try to find some pink sweats and strategically place some garland over me in certain areas to "cover" myself.
or id create some kind of LEAF top/ skirt to wear over it...

my reply came back:
The picture I have of Eve is afterwards :) So more of the animal skin type stuff.


THAT brought a HUUUUUUGE sense of

well, today i got the script for this role. quite involved. allot of message within it. but one main one i chimed in on and LOVED!


The following is your script for the Women of Virtue activity November 2nd. I have also attached a picture of Eve for you to reference. Thanks again for your participation, and let me know if you have any further questions!

I am Eve, and I am a woman of virtue because of my sacrifice.
Adam, my husband, and I were the first people to live on the Earth. Heavenly Father blessed us and commanded us to have children. He placed us in a beautiful place called the Garden of Eden, where we were able to talk with and see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
We were given dominion over the garden and all of the beasts within it. Adam called me “Eve” because I was to be the mother of all living. There were beautiful trees and plants in the Garden of Eden. God told us that we could eat fruit from all the trees except one: the tree of knowledge of good and evil. “Nevertheless,” the Lord said, “thou mayest choose for thyself…; but remember that I forbid it, for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”
Satan came to the garden and tempted me to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I was shocked that he would propose such a thing! I told Satan that the Lord had commanded us not to eat it or we would be cast out of the garden to die.
Satan lied, telling me, “Ye shall not surely die.” He also said the fruit would make me wise so I would know good and evil. I realized that for Adam and I to have a family, we would have to leave that beautiful place. I chose to eat the fruit, knowing that we would be cast out of the Garden of Eden, then I gave some of the fruit to Adam, and he also ate. Later, Adam and I heard the voice of the Lord. We hid because we were ashamed that we had disobeyed our Heavenly Father.
When God asked us if we had eaten the forbidden fruit, we confessed that we had, and God cast us out of the Garden of Eden. We felt so much sorrow leaving that beautiful place, and even more sorrow that we had been cut off from the presence of our Heavenly Father. But we took comfort in the fact that we could now follow the Lord’s commandment to multiply and replenish the Earth, and that we could fulfill our earthly role as parents. Even though we had to leave the beautiful garden, we knew that God loved us, and we had faith that He would send Jesus Christ to be our Savior.
My sisters, to become a woman of virtue, you will need to make sacrifices. You may sacrifice friendships to ensure you are in a position to make good choices. You may sacrifice opportunities in order to keep your standards. You may sacrifice much time and effort giving service and spreading the gospel. And like me, you may make sacrifices to become a mother. The world you live in makes it seem that fulfilling the role that God gave you, the sacred role of mother, is less valuable than other choices you can make. Those with that attitude are sadly mistaken, for although there are many sacrifices that you must make to fulfill your divine calling, being a righteous mother is the most important work on Earth that a virtuous woman can fulfill. And I assure you that the sacrifices you will make as a mother are nothing compared to the rewards of motherhood. Heavenly Father knows all of your sacrifices and will bless you fully for them in the life to come.
so, i have to come up with an outfit now for this...

im kinda excited! i have always wanted to share with the young women, as i feel a large part of my own spiritual growth happend when i was in that age group. i have never been called to any position within Young Womens, tho. kinda sad about that. not sure why. i have as much to contribute as anyone does.

and its such a stage in life of vaulerablitlity. and uncertainty. and determination to be independant, and unique.
had i not had the leaders in Young Womens i had, id not be here now. i had some pretty awesome women who were my leaders.

to them i am eternally thankful.

i hope i can share just a shred of what i was given by them to these young women.


Sunday, October 2, 2011


Mormon Church launches media campaign

By John Stanley, The Arizona Republic

Updated 10/2/2011

PHOENIX – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will launch a new media campaign Monday in 12 major cities.

The "I'm a Mormon" campaign — mostly TV spots and billboards — will encourage people to learn about Latter-day Saints by visiting the website, which features video profiles of thousands of Mormons from around the world.
"These are real people," said Cindy Packard, the LDS Church spokeswoman for the metropolitan Phoenix area. "There are no scripts, no fake stories, no wardrobe, just real people talking about their lives."
Visitors to the website can also chat live with representatives who can answer questions about the Mormon faith and check out a list of common questions about church doctrine, such as "Are Mormons Christians?" "Why don't Mormons drink coffee, tea or alcohol?" and "What do Mormons believe about the Bible?"
The purpose of the campaign is to make it easy for people to learn about the faith and get to know Mormons personally, Packard said.
Although there are 52,000 full-time Mormon missionaries in the world, nowadays many people prefer to seek information about the church online, she said, noting that it's an efficient and effective way to reach more people, and on their terms.
"You can come knocking on our door whenever it's convenient and learn as much as you want," she said.
A similar effort to publicize the website was launched in nine cities last year.
Both campaigns came about after church research showed that about half of all Americans say they have never met a Mormon, and that many held misconceptions about church tenets.
In the spotlight
Mormons have been the topic of much public discussion lately:
• "The Book of Mormon" Broadway show, by Robert Lopez and "South Park" creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, opened in March. In June it won nine Tony Awards, including "Best Musical."
• A June Gallup poll showed that 22% of Americans (20% of Republicans and Independents, and 27% of Democrats) would not vote for a Mormon for president.
• The mid-summer sex-abuse trial and subsequent imprisonment of polygamous sect leader Warren Jeffs, who headed the Arizona- and Utah-based Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, which split away from the mainstream church more than a century ago. Despite the similarity of names, there is no affiliation between the two groups.
• The ongoing quest by church members Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman for the Republican nomination for president.
'Strict neutrality'
According to several prominent Phoenix-area Mormons, though, there is no connection between the "I'm a Mormon" campaign and the candidacies of Romney and Huntsman.
"I can tell you unequivocally that this campaign has nothing to do with the election," said Paul Gilbert, a zoning attorney who serves as the co-chair of Mitt Romney's Arizona campaign.
Gilbert is also the president of the Tempe Arizona University Stake.
"I have attended every training meeting about (at ASU) and the presidential race has never been mentioned," he said.
He also said that he didn't think the "I'm a Mormon" campaign would have any effect — positive or negative — on Romney's candidacy.
Charles E. "Bud" Jones, former Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court, said the church has always maintained a neutral stance about individual candidates. The only time the church gets involved with politics, he said, is when issues concern doctrine, such as abortion or same-sex marriage.
"But as far as political candidates and partisan politics — absolutely not," Jones said.
Any perception of a church-orchestrated effort to aid Romney or any other candidate is simply wrong, said Jones, who has served as a stake president and bishop in the church.
"The church has a policy of strict political neutrality," Packard said. "We have Harry Reid on one end (of the political spectrum) and Glenn Beck on the other. So there's lots of (political) diversity within the church, and that's the way it should be."
Early church
Founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith, the church was instrumental in the settlement of the American West and has grown to more than 14 million followers, with more than half of those living outside the United States.
According to church history, Smith had a series of visions around the family's home in Palmyra, N.Y. in the 1820s. In 1830 he published the Book of Mormon, which he said was a translation of a pre-Columbian history of the Americas.
Smith was murdered by a mob in a Carthage, Ill., jail, where he was awaiting trial for inciting to riot and other charges in 1844.
The church splintered after Smith's death, with the largest contingent following Brigham Young to Salt Lake City, now the church's headquarters.
Under Young's leadership, the church established settlements throughout much of the western region of the country, as well as in southern Canada and northern Mexico. Over the decades, though, disputes arose with non-Mormons over church practices, especially polygamy, which was announced as official doctrine in 1852.
Almost 40 years later, in 1890, the church reversed its policy regarding the practice. It now promotes strict monogamy and strong family values.
The "I'm a Mormon" campaign in Phoenix will continue through February 2012. Other cities in the campaign are Spokane, Wash., Seattle, Austin, Texas, San Antonio, Texas, Omaha, Neb., Lincoln, Neb., Denver, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Ind., and South Bend, Ind.
A separate "I'm a Mormon" campaign started in New York City in June.
"(The website) is just a really fun way to learn about our lifestyle and our faith," Packard said. "The diversity that is represented there will be surprising to a lot of people."
My name is Michelle Williamson, i am an avid Blogger, and i am a Mormon. Nice to meet you! :)

Monday, August 22, 2011


ok, i figured, if i was gonna be reading this book, i might as well go ahead and mark all the scripture masteries for the Book of Mormon.
i have a new set of scriptures. a quad set. which is all 4 books in one printed and bound edition.

and it hasnt even had any scriptures marked in it yet. so, that was my 1st order of business to do with this particular scripture book. marking the scripture masteries inside of it.

scripture masteries are something like, the best , or most notable, principles to remember. so, they become a focus in any LDS teens life as they walk through seminary and learn about al 4 books. (old Testament, Mew Testament, Doctrine & Covenants, Book of Mormon).

so, i wanted to make sure i also had them marked in this new scripture i have. as a reference.


Saturday, August 13, 2011


School board removes Sherlock Holmes novel as derogatory to Mormons

By Douglas Stanglin, USA TODAY

A Virginia county school board is removing a Sherlock Holmes novel from the 6th grade reading list after a parent's complaint that it is derogatory toward Mormons, The Charlottesville Daily Progress reports.

The Victorian-era book, A Study In Scarlet, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, was deeemed inappropriate for the age group, but it will be available for older students.The school board of Albermarle county, where Thomas Jefferson's Monticello home is located, took the action in response to a challenge from the parent of a middle school student.
Brette Stevenson had told the board that the book has been used to introduce the mystery genre and the character of Holmes.
"This is our young students' first inaccurate introduction to an American religion," Stevenson told the board, according to the newspaper.
While the newspaper did not indicate that any particular passage from the novel had been singled out, here is one extract from Chapter 3.
(John Ferrier) had always determined, deep down in his resolute heart, that nothing would ever induce him to allow his daughter to wed a Mormon. Such marriage he regarded as no marriage at all, but as a shame and a disgrace. Whatever he might think of the Mormon doctrines, upon that one point he was inflexible. He had to seal his mouth on the subject, however, for to express an unorthodox opinion was a dangerous matter in those days in the Land of the Saints.
Stevenson suggested replacing the book with Doyle's fifth novel, The Hound of the Baskervilles, which, she said, is a better introduction to mystery, the newspaper says.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Revelation of...

Nature is a revelation of God; Art a revelation of man.

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)~

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


 * I LOVE LOVE LOVE this man...and i cant figure out why..i read his words and they resonate through me, he speaks, i listen. he  talks about subjects (as interjections into his speeches) that i have NO commonality to, yet, i listen. it will be awesome if he ever becomes our Prophet one day. 



Muslim leaders express thanks to President Uchtdorf

Pres. Uchtorf is on the far right in this image.
Published: Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2011

Among some 800 attendees at the Los Angeles World Affairs Council to hear President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's remarks on May 25 were more than 30 Muslim leaders from Southern California.
Many of the Muslims were able to thank President Uchtdorf, the second counselor in the First Presidency, personally for the LDS Church's friendship with Muslims and the support they feel from the church in combating prejudice and fostering good will.

President Uchtdorf originally met some of the leaders following the events of Sept. 11, 2001. He was serving at that time as president of the North America West Area for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and asked to meet with Muslim leaders at a mosque in Southern California. He expressed concern for the prejudice many Muslims and their families were experiencing. He let them know that the LDS people also had to learn to cope with the sting of unjust persecution and that he, as a German, grew up being unjustly persecuted after World War II.
At the World Affairs Council dinner, the Muslim leaders expressed thanks for the LDS Church humanitarian projects in their birth countries.
"From the worst earthquake to hit Pakistan in 2005 through the most recent disastrous floods, the LDS Church has been with us helping people in our cities and out to our most remote villages," Saghir Aslam said. "We came tonight to express our thanks."
The leader of the Shura Council of Southern California, Shakeel Syed, said, "President Uchtdorf's message for mutual respect and love between the human family resonates with my Islamic values. I pray that Muslims and Mormons continue to uphold these universal values and share them with the world. We are being blessed for bringing our communities together."
Many stakes in Southern California have had joint activities with their Muslim neighbors, doing humanitarian projects, interfaith dinners, youth activities and Mosque visits. LDS members have spoken favorably of their Muslim neighbors before city councils, in interfaith gatherings, to the media and on the Internet.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

POEM - ON THE WINGS OF PRAYER - Helen Steiner Rice

On The Wings Of Prayer

Just close your eyes
and open your heart,
And feel your worries
and cares depart.

Just yield yourself
to the Father above,
And let Him hold you
secure in His love.

For life on earth
grows more involved,
With endless problems
that can't be solved.

But God only asks us
to do our best,
Then He will take over
and do the rest.

So when you are tired,
discouraged and blue,
There is always one door
that is open to you.

And that is the door
to the House of Prayer,
And you'll find God waiting
to meet you there.

And the House of Prayer
is no further away,
Than the quiet spot
where you kneel to pray.

For the heart is a temple
when God is there,
As we place ourselves
in His loving care.

And He hears every prayer
and answers each one,
when we pray in His name,
Thy will be done.

The burdens that seemed
too heavy to bear,
Are lifted away
on the wings of a prayer.

~Helen Steiner Rice~

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Mormon Defense League launched

Aug. 4, 2011

SANDY — Jewish people have the Anti-Defamation League "to stop the defamation of the Jewish people." Muslims have the Council on American-Islamic Relations "to enhance understanding of Islam." Now some Mormons are launching their own group to "respond to false information put forward in the media."

The Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research is announcing at 9 a.m. this morning the formation of the Mormon Defense League and the new website FAIR is a volunteer organization that attempts to answer criticism and questions about LDS Church doctrine and history. The announcement takes place at FAIR's 13th annual Mormon Apologetics Conference, which runs today and Friday at the South Towne Exposition Center in Sandy.

Unlike its sponsoring organization FAIR, the new Mormon Defense League project won't be directed towards members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It also won't duplicate FAIR's scholarly articles that go into small details. Instead, it aims to help journalists do their jobs better.

"We hope to be a resource for journalists," said Scott Gordon, president of FAIR since 2001, "Religion writers tend to do a good job. Problems come when you get political writers or sports writers who are not as familiar with the nuances of the religion. So when you get a Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman or a Harry Reid, and someone makes a comment, the journalist may unknowingly pass on something that Mormons consider to be very bigoted, malicious or just inaccurate."

In addition to having articles on the website that address common misconceptions like "magic underwear," "Jesus is the brother of Satan," and "Mormons practice polygamy," Gordon hopes journalists will contact MDL for interviews and to answer questions.

MDL will be staffed by a small group of volunteers who will update the website, field questions from journalists and keep an eye on the news for when they think Mormons or doctrines of the LDS Church are misrepresented. "If somebody writes something — whether a journalist or even a politician — that is egregiously bad, we will correct them," Gordon said.

John Lynch is FAIR's Chairman of the Board. He thinks the Mormon Defense League is a type of anti-defamation league. "Except with Mormon nice. We bite, but we are polite," Lynch said, then added, "And afterwards we show an increase in love."

Gordon said when errors are found, they don't intend to make them all public. Instead, many times they will approach the reporter directly. If that doesn't work, then MDL may post corrections on its website or resort to sending out press releases .

"The LDS Church has a long history of dealing with misrepresentations," said Lane Williams, a communication professor at BYU Idaho who writes a column titled "Mormon Media Observer" for Mormon Times. "In the past they have responded in many different ways. I'm not sure there is one best way to do it. … Different times call for different responses."

Williams said that it is difficult for journalists to convey the essence of what a church believes in a few paragraphs. "My perception is that very few reporters try to demean us."

The key, Williams said, is for reporters to let churches tell their own stories.

Although MDL and FAIR are not affiliated with the LDS Church, Gordon and Lynch hope the new project will make a difference.

"Our primary purpose is to help people tell stories," Gordon said, "not to embarrass people into compliance with what our view of the world is. … We want to be as nice as we can and as informative as we can."

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Nationwide, media explore what makes Mormons tick

Published: Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2011 3:26 p.m. MDT

With stories about Mormons and Mormonism seemingly everywhere this summer, newspapers, blogs and websites around the country are using a variety of approaches to take a look inside The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to see what makes Mormons tick.
One of the most interesting has been part of Beliefnet's "Project Conversion: Twelve Months of Spiritual Promiscuity," during which blogger Andrew Bowen spends a month immersing himself in different religions in an attempt to understand them by going through the conversion process. During the month of July he took LDS missionary discussions and attended LDS worship services in North Carolina. He wrote several columns about his experiences, including this one in which he is "saying good-bye to my LDS home."

"In the end, they thanked me just for giving them my time and a fair chance to explain the faith on their terms," Bowen wrote. "This reaction, of thanking me for just listening, is a common theme I find with all the faiths. People don't want to argue or convince me (well, the LDS guys tried, but I love them anyway) that every other faith is wrong, they just want people to give them a chance — to listen instead of criticize or judge. It surprises me every time it happens."
In Spokane, Wash., the Pacific Northwest Inlander takes an intimate view of the faith, with a series of five brief profiles of local Latter-day Saints. Each profile focuses on a different element of LDS living, and gives an interesting first-hand view of what Mormons are really like.
"My faith is something that is very important to me," said Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovitch, who is LDS. "Your core values are what you bring to the table every day."
The story also includes thumbnail bios of nine nationally prominent Mormons.
And the Sun Chronicle near Foxboro, Mass., allowed local Latter-day Saints to explain the church to its readers, with a far-reaching story that discusses everything from presidential politics to the family, tithing and the Word of Wisdom.
"Talking about our faith is something we enjoy and welcome," one of the quoted church members said.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Two Types

"There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,'
and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.'"
~C. S. Lewis~