Friday, January 13, 2012


“Mormons in America” PEW Study


by Larry Richman on January 13, 2012
“Mormons in America” is a groundbreaking study by the Pew Center’s Forum on Religion and Public Life, the first ever published by a non-LDS research organization to focus exclusively on members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and their beliefs, values, perceptions and political preferences.
In summary, the study shows that Mormons subscribe to traditional Christian beliefs, have high moral standards, are overwhelmingly satisfied with their lives and communities, are active in serving others, and have a profound dedication to family.

Here are a few of the study’s findings that I found interesting:
  • 87% of Mormons are satisfied with their lives.
  • 92% say their communities are excellent or good places to live.
  • 66% of Mormons describe themselves as politically conservative. 74% of Mormon voters identify with or lean toward the Republican Party.
  • 75% of Mormons say they prefer a smaller government providing fewer services.
  • 86% of all Mormons and 94% of Mormon Republicans view Mitt Romney favorably. Even among Mormon Democrats, 62% rate Romney favorably. 50% view Jon Huntsman favorably. 25% view Barack Obama favorably. 22% view Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid favorably.
  • Mormons are fairly evenly split on whether immigrants strengthen the U.S. because of their hard work and talents (45%) or burden the U.S. by taking American jobs, housing, and health care (41%).
Religious beliefs & practices:
  • 82% say that religion is very important in their lives.
  • 77% say they believe wholeheartedly in all of the Church’s teachings.
  • 83% say they pray every day.
  • 79% say they donate 10% in tithing.
  • 77% say they attend church at least once a week.
  • Mormons exhibit higher levels of religious commitment than many other religious groups, including white evangelical Protestants.
  • 98% say they believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • 94% believe the President of the LDS Church is a prophet of God
  • 95% believe that families can be bound together eternally in temple ceremonies.
  • 94% believe that God the Father and Jesus Christ are separate, physical beings.
  • 91% believe that the Book of Mormon was written by ancient prophets.
  • 97% of Mormons believe they are Christians.
Moral issues:
  • 86% say that polygamy is morally wrong.
  • 79% say that sex between unmarried adults is morally wrong.
  • 74% say that abortion is morally wrong.
  • 54% say that drinking alcohol is morally wrong.
  • 65% say that homosexuality should be discouraged by society.
Learn more:

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